Saturday, June 27, 2009

personal learning networks

i never quite thought of online communities in terms of work i guess, i always thought of it as a way of keeping track of your friends.

the discussions of personal learning networks made me realize that much of the interaction within my department at work, and at my previous jobs would easily fit into that category. we have constant daily discussions about activities, meeting framework requirements, how to handle students new activities equipments etc... as well as to reflect on what we have done.

For me this extends into two realms, as i also collaborate like this with my compatriots in the english department since i also wear the hat of a theater teacher, and the collaboration there is very different but serves a very similar goal.

two things i have learned this week is how out of touch even i am, working with as many teachers as i do that do not like using technology much i had felt very technologically capable, yet i find myself daunted heavily by the overwhelming amount of information and possibilities available here

i also find myself daunted by my late joining of this group, trying to play two weeks worth of catch up while wrapping up the end of our school year has bee daunting, i feel like there is no way i can process all of this information fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. not to worry about coming in late,I was doing the reading even before class started and I still feel overwhelmed. It is ok. My fear at missing something important has lessened with the idea that not everything will click with me. I am really trying to find what technology works for me in the classroom and semi-master that. I also find most teachers at school not interested in expanding their tech capabilites but a handful are excited. One blog that lets us share ideas might be nice. time is of the essence at school so not having face-to-face discussions would be nice.
